Groundbreaking Toothpaste Controls Your Periodontal Disease

TartarEnd® Toothpaste Stops and Reverses
Gingivitis and Periodontitis

TartarEnd® Toothpaste is a breakthrough in dental chemistry that...

What Are Gingivitis and Periodontitis?

Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease caused by lactic and other acids and develops when bacteria, tartar and plaque buildup on your teeth. If tartar and plaque are not removed at and below the gumline, the lactic acid usually causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums. The CDC reports that about 47% of people over 30 have some form of gingivitis or periodontal disease, including bleeding gums. Many people think bleeding gums are a normal part of brushing or flossing but, in fact, they are a sign of early gum disease that need to be addressed.

Periodontitis is a more severe stage of gum disease that damages the soft tissues and bones that support your teeth. If periodontitis goes untreated, it can lead to symptoms such as deepening gum pockets, receding gums, and damage to the bone and connective tissue around teeth. In advanced periodontal disease you can also experience severe pain while chewing and eventually tooth loss. In addition, it can have a negative impact on your overall health and is considered a risk factor for many health problems, including heart and lung diseases. Surprisingly, studies have shown that by age 65, three out of four adults have some form of periodontal disease.

A Gentle and Effective Treatment for Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease

Removing tartar, plaque, and lactic acid before they build up is critical for maintaining healthy gums. TartarEnd® is the only toothpaste proven to gently remove tartar, plaque, and lactic acid buildup below the gumline.

TartarEnd® uses patented technology that dissolves the binders used by bacteria to make plaque sticky and tartar hard. The bacteria, protected by plaque and tartar, produce lactic acid that irritates gums, dissolves bone, and weakens connective tissue holding the teeth in place. Once these binders are eliminated, the vibrating bristles of a sonic toothbrush remove tartar, plaque, and lactic acid.

Best Toothpaste Ever!
I have been using Tarter End Toothpaste for close to 2 months and my gums have made a massive improvement. I have gum disease and I am endlessly having trouble with inflammation and needing oral antibiotics. Most of the pockets in my mouth were 4mm to 5mm just this past March 2024 but after using this toothpaste, I not only no longer have a mouth that is on fire ️‍🔥 and no more bleeding gums but I went to the periodontist and my entire mouth is now 1-3mm pockets except for one 4mm pocket. That is some crazy amazing improvement, so I am hooked on this toothpaste!
Lisa S.
It works!!!
I’ve been dealing with periodontitis for over 10 years and today was my first visit to my periodontist since trying TartarEnd. He said, “Your mouth looks the best I’ve seen it, you have NO tartar buildup.” Plus, there was no bleeding after my cleaning. I showed my periodontist the empty tube of TartarEnd. He said that he doesn’t usually believe in these things, but my mouth was showing positive results. He took information off of the tube and said he was going to begin recommending it to his patients who were struggling with periodontitis. I actually walked out of this office with a smile on my face!
Carol S.

The Many Health Issues Caused By Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease

If you have gingivitis and periodontitis, you have open wounds in your gums that allow bacteria and viruses to enter directly into your bloodstream and circulate throughout your body. Bleeding gums and gum disease are linked with many other diseases and health problems, including:

Brushing twice daily with TartarEnd® Toothpaste and flossing after brushing have been shown to quickly stop bleeding gums. TartarEnd® is not just about oral health. It’s about your overall well-being.

Brushing with TartarEnd® removes tartar, plaque, and lactic acid, leading to healthier gums and reduced gum pocket depths. As gum bleeding stops, the open wounds in your gums that allow bacteria and viruses to enter your bloodstream are closed.

Many long-term TartarEnd users* have reported the elimination or reduction in the frequency of common colds. Medical doctors have reported fewer illnesses since they started using TartarEnd® toothpaste. These long-term users attribute the decrease in the frequency of illnesses to the elimination of bleeding gums and better gum hygiene.

This is a testament to the positive impact of TartarEnd® on overall health. If you want to stop periodontal disease before it leads to more serious problems, join the tens of thousands of TartarEnd® customers enjoying routine, short, bloodless, pain-free dental hygiene appointments, and healthier lives.

Good oral hygiene is crucial for maintaining gingivitis and peritonitis-free gums.

TartarEnd LLC recommends brushing and flossing twice daily. Flossing after brushing removes additional soft tartar in hard-to-reach locations between the teeth. Routinely removing plaque as it builds up is crucial for maintaining good oral health.
Following an oral health care routine is the first step in helping prevent gingivitis, periodontal disease, and periodontal tooth loss.

Read about our recommendations for effective brushing and flossing techniques in the Oral Care section of our website.

Brushing with a high tip-speed sonic toothbrush helps stop, reverse and control periodontal progression below the gumline.

Recommended High Tip-Speed Sonic Toothbrush Features:

*People who have used TartarEnd® toothpaste for 3 years or more.

Sonic Toothbrush Test

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