TartarEnd® Toothpaste Removes Tartar and Plaque Above and Deep Below the Gumline
Proven to stop bleeding gums.
Proven to stop tooth loss.
Proven to reduce gum pocket depths.

- Eliminates costly dental procedures
- Eliminates Painful Deep Root Cleaning
- Eliminates costly laser procedures
- Normally eliminates tooth loss

Using TartarEnd® Toothpaste with a High Tip-speed Sonic Toothbrush reduces gum pocket depths by 2-3 mm in as little as 2 months!

Are your gums bleeding and your gum pockets getting deeper because of tartar and plaque buildup? TartarEnd® toothpaste dissolves and removes tartar and plaque from deep gum pockets.
Studies have show that gums normally stop bleeding within 2 weeks after brushing twice daily with TartarEnd® toothpaste.
Healthy pink gums reattach to clean tooth enamel, and gum pocket depths are normally reduced by 2-3 mm in just a few months. This often eliminates the need for those annoying 3 and 4 month hygiene appointments!

Why use a High Tip-speed Sonic Toothbrush with TartarEnd® Toothpaste?

TartarEnd® Toothpaste dissolves and removes tartar and plaque. If gum pockets are deeper than 3mm, we strongly recommend a high tip-speed sonic toothbrush.
High tip-speed toothbrushes have been proven to drive TartarEnd® ingredients at least 8 mm deep below the gum line to dissolve and wash away tartar and plaque. Manual, electric and most sonic toothbrushes do not create the necessary fluid dynamics to remove dissolved tartar and plaque deep below the gumline.
TartarEnd® LLC has tested a number of manual, electric and sonic toothbrushes. We have found the reasonably priced Philips Sonicare Series 4100 toothbrush vibrating at 31,000 vibrations per minute in its high tip-speed mode gives excellent fluid dynamics. These fluid dynamics drive TartarEnd® ingredients and dissolve tartar and plaque more than 8 mm below the gumline. TartarEnd® LLC has no marketing or financial relations with the Philips company.
The combination of a high tip-speed sonic toothbrush and TartarEnd® eliminates the fear of tooth loss and costly implants as gum pockets are reduced in depth by 2-3 mm in as little as 2 months.
Best results are achieved by following the procedures detailed in the oral-care page of the TartarEnd® website. The following video shows how the fluid dynamics of high tip-speed sonic toothbrushes remove tartar and plaque at least 8mm below the gumline.
High Tip-Speed toothbrushes drive TartarEnd® ingredients as much as 9mm below the gum line to dissolve and remove tartar and plaque.

Recommended High Tip-Speed Sonic Toothbrush Features:
- Approximately 31,000 vibrations per minute (VPM)
- High Tip-Speed Sonics move the bristles a greater distance than most common sonic toothbrushes.
- Toothbrush manufacturers do not normally list tip speeds.
- Our TartarEnd® Sonic Toothbrush Test Video shows the superior deep cleaning action of a high tip-speed sonic toothbrush.
- Compare your toothbrush to our video in a glass full of water.
- This video shows a Philips Sonicare Series 4100* set at its high speed setting.
- Compact Toothbrush Heads work best.
- They clean better in hard to reach places.
- Easier to focus cleaning action in problem areas.
- Philips and other companies market many medium bristle compact toothbrush head which fit on the Philips Sonicare Series 4100 toothbrush. We do not recommend any gum brushes as gum brushes do not provide the cleaning action of medium bristle toothbrush heads.
*People who have used TartarEnd® toothpaste for 3 years or more.